We have considerable experience across a range of school sectors from nurseries and first schools to sixth form colleges and universities. We have prepared masterplans for numerous schools including Guildford County; The Oratory; Notre Dame; Cranmore; Guildford High; and Tolworth Girls’.
We often recommend a site masterplan for a fresh and strategic perspective on the whole site. We gather information about the school (structure, numbers, curriculum, current issues, future plans) the school site (existing drawings, ownership, planning history) and all the stakeholders (discussions with staff, pupils, parents, admin and site staff, other user groups).
We spend at least one day observing school life, and will then analyse everything including room sizes; environmental quality; fire escapes; flexibility to meet the curriculum; site constraints; potential planning conditions; phasing, logistics and indicative build costs. We then develop a draft masterplan and with feedback from the school, produce a preferred recommendation. We believe a good masterplan is an evolving document that offers a vision for adding new buildings and facilities, strengthening and revitalising the existing site and creating an enhanced future-proof campus.