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Completion of house extensions in Guildford

We have recently completed a two storey wrap around extension with a rear single storey extension and internal alterations, following the demolition of an existing side garage in central Guildford. Providing much needed additional living space for our clients and their family with additional bedroom and bathroom facilities.

The scale and design of the proposals respect the proportions of the original dwelling and materials were carefully selected to be sympathetic with its traditional style, whilst adding a contemporary twist with a parapet roof and crittall windows to the single storey extension.
The extensions have been set back from the front building line to appear subservient to the local streetscene. The main roof has been extended to the side, meeting with the existing ridge before stepping down to give a lower ridge level to the rear achieved by introducing a projecting gable.
A new external landscaping scheme has also been completed to the rear which replaces the existing sloping garden with a new decked terrace with timber sleeper retaining walls and planters. Upgrades to the front driveway, finished in brick paviours, gives our client additional car parking area, improved pedestrian access and a large new planting area finished in facing bricks and flint panelling.

Our thanks to H&H Construction and Rae Wilkinson Garden and Landscape Design 👏

Posted on
June 5, 2023